
Sep 27th, 2012 to Oct 7th, 2012

Dx from Tibet, China & 2012 WAPC-XZ Contest ---sponsored by WOUXUN Elecs Station Location: Lat 29.594389, Lon 90.995500 Grid: NL59LO Callsign: BY1WXD/0 Band: 40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M.To Be Finally Determined Mode: SSB CW RTTY PSK SSTV OPs: BA9TX BA8IK BA7CK BD2FW BD4TS BD5SO BD5QDM BD5FFK BD9GQ BG0GE BG3MTK BG5TOW BG6MA BG9XE BG9API . Rig: FT-2000D.To Be Finally Determined Ant: Triband Spider Beam, Triband Yagi.To Be Finally Determined Date: Sep 27th, 2012 to Oct 7th, 2012 WAPC: Beginning from UTC 0:00 OCT 6th, 2012, ending at UTC 23:59 OCT 6th, 2012. QSL info: . To be Finally Determined About WAPC Contest, click here:http://www.mulandxc.org/?page_id=2 Check the station location by Google Map here:http://maps.google.com.hk/maps?hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=29%C2%B035'39.82%22%2090%C2%B059'43.82%22&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1440&bih=763&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl All about this DX event, follow me at twitter https://twitter.com/bd5qdm_kj6owk Ex callsign is BG5QDM. Now has been upgraded to the current call, BD5QDM, transmitting from P.R China. Normally working dx on 15m and 20m. Rig for hf : an old ic-725 transceiver, a FT-857D, and the Elecraft KX3 for QRP. As an apartment dewller, a wire multiband V dipole is equipped on the roof as the main HF antenna, and a multiband homebrew Delta Loop for field use.


2012年JASTA 主催SSTVコンテスト結果

2012年JASTA 主催SSTVコンテスト結果 Multi JAs(10) + DX(6) + DAYs(10/31) = 26 Points HF(544)+VU(562)+S(0) = 1106 Total 1106 x 26 = 28756 (1) 3.5~28MHz帯での交信局数 544 x 1 = 544 点 (2) 50~430MHz帯での交信局数 281 x 2 = 562 点 (3) 1200MHz帯以上での交信局数 0 x 3 = 0 点 交信点数:(544)+(562)+(0) = 1106 (4) 交信したJAのエリア数 = 10 (5) 交信したDXCCエンティティ数(JAを除く)= 6 (6) 運用日数(最大10) = 10 マルチ:(10)+(6)+(10) = 26 総得点:交信点数×マルチ = 1106 × 26 = 28756 点 ☆交信頂いた局長さん方、ありがとうございました。


JO6VMT局 7MHz 熊本県阿蘇郡南阿蘇村